Reply To: Chiharu regular serve

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Thank you so much for your review! My Back foot moved around so much so that I did sandbag practice in the past. I improved so that someday, I can do without moving back foot much, but some other day, I move my Back foot still. I think I must put weight more on front foot and not much on back foot so that back foot can adjust to my body and move around. When I am intentional to put weight on back foot, it helps to stabilize back foot. I think I naturally like to move my back foot so I still see back foot moving often, but when it moves, it does not seem to move as much as in the past so that my body is not opening up to the net as much now.

You asked several questions during your review. Below is my answers:

I do play USTA league currently, but this year, I am not playing much league tennis as I used to in the past years. I am mostly just practicing. I have been practicing more serves this year for some reasons than ever. I wish I did many years ago. And I play one tournament later around October, but that may be it. This October one will be doubles.

This year, I am not playing much league tennis, but when I played USTA league, though I play both doubles and singles, many compliment my singles play. I think most compliment my speed and court coverage.

I have not intentionally practiced topspin serve and slice serve as much these days. But when I put targets and practice serving to T, or wide serves, I should also practice mixing up all 3 types of serves. Slice for wide serve from deuce and also for T and body from ad side., topspin for wide out from ad side etc etc in addition to flat serve that I am currently working on. I think practicing flat serve with top spin serve or slice serve probably helps flat serves since it will make me feel pronation finish better after dirty diaper finish than practicing pronation only.

I have not looked into too much doubles strategies. I have seen Tennis evolution has some section for doubles, and I was thinking of checking that up, but I have not looked at it yet.

I am doing this program, of course, to improve my tennis skills mostly, but not for my tennis ranking or anything like that. for me, I probably play tennis more for exercise purpose, learning skills, and probably the real reason I like playing tennis is that I love hitting balls after balls…

Other big reason why I am doing this program, in addition to improve my tennis, is so that I can also teach our 9 year old daughter who is pretty good at tennis already.

Thank you so much for your review. I will practice flat serves along with top spin and slice serve with targets and will send you video soon.